This project questions the idea of the subdivided surface in architecture, reinterpreting it as a constellation of objects. This patchy composition does not become a continuous field as Deleuze and Guattari established in, “1440: The Smooth and the Striated” (A Thousand Plateus, 1987); rather, is defined by multiple and distinct boundaries. The resultant 'crazy' configuration is an assortment of discrete objects relating in strange and diverse ways.
The unique expression of form, developed through various 'wrought' techniques (i.e. stuffing, nestling, packing, thickening, etc.), does not obey a single surface logic - is neither smooth nor striated - instead expresses both hard and soft edge. Each object maintains definition of shape by anticipating its neighbor. The relationships between the objects are articulated as a series of tight or loose-fitting joints, adding a level of complexity to their interaction. This kind of composition lacks a certain continuity and predictability.
This is a group project that I worked on for a Digital Visualization class I took at the end of my sophomore year.
The following images show a handful of the work that went into the final presentation. The full project is available upon request.